[our love is a 4am car ride]

Claire Wilson

behind tempered glass there is only

us shielded, tinted, safe and


windows reflect us- ghosts- against the world as it

speeds by too fast to be noticed, eyes too unfocused to


black leather fire against our skin

rain pelts against us, twenty miles too far over the radar

inside this vessel of space, never stagnant, belonging


resides only the ghosts of our

reflections, refractions of who

we’re meant to be

those backscattered creatures looking back at us aren’t defined

they blur and move in unpredictable ways, some days i can’t tell them

apart. some days they don’t look how i remember them at all.

a single hand on the wheel veers into your

eyes, wide and shakily with black lines


you don’t notice, neither do i.

how many times have those people in the

mirror bled into one another?